St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


A unique study tour through 东京, Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka

Whether you're aiming for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, 想要在你的简历上为梦想中的工作添彩, 或者想要离开你的舒适区, international experience gives you the skills you need to succeed in an increasingly global world..


东京Our 9-night/10-day journey immerses you in the culture of modern Japan, with a focus on the dynamic urban environments and culture of modern Japan. 

东京, for instance, is a place where cutting-edge technology leaps from towers in flashes of light.

But there is a polite order to this urbanization that is defined by the ancient world that remains. 大阪城, which played a major role in the unification of Japan in the 16th century, is seemingly unfazed by its neighboring sea of skyscrapers, and is a living testimony of Japan's unique journey into modernization. 日本本质上是一个文明的缩影.

你将由全球网赌十大网站 Department of 历史 faculty member 克里斯托弗·道尔顿, lecturer of history. He will lead you through the three-credit course HIST 364. 现代日本.

接受,成本 & 项目的特性

Students should apply as early as possible and will be notified of their acceptance by email. The earlier you apply and pay the deposit, the greater the certainty of your acceptance.

  • round-trip airfare from Toronto International Airport
  • 日本的地面交通
  • 全职导游
  • 住宿
  • 晚餐包括地方风格的饭菜
  • 引导观光
  • 博物馆、场地及主题公园入场费
  • tuition and administration fees for the three-credit course
价格中不包括早餐, 午餐, 行李费, 小费和小费, 文档的成本, 还有旅行保险.

建议在12月8日或之前交800美元定金. 5, 2023. 这确保了你在项目中的位置.
欲知更多详情,请浏览我们的 接受,成本 & 支付 页面.


Your 10-day journey includes visits to 东京's Akihabara Electric Town, 著名的涩谷十字路口, 明治神道神社, 新宿御苑国立花园, 在导游的带领下参观当地的市场. From 东京 you'll take a bullet train to the ancient city of Kyoto, where you'll visit the bustling Nishiki Market and the Nishijin Textile Center. 

从《全球网赌十大网站》, 奈良一日游, where you'll visit Todaji Temple and see the Daibutsu, 世界上最大的青铜佛像. 然后出发去大阪, 你将在哪里参观大阪城, 建于1580年代, 和Amerikamura, 大阪的青年文化中心.

These are just some of the exciting adventures that await you on your summer study tour of Japan.